Today the newspaper published some results from what must have been a questionaire to school pupils. The question? Where is your favourite capital city? Five comments were published; two opted for Paris, one for Washington, one for Honolulu [though I was under the impression Honolulu was in Hawaii, and therefore part of the USA ... as is Washington], and one for Vienna. All had differing reasons for their choice. Interesting results!
After reading the article I set myself the same question. I am still thinking! If I became suddenly rich and had a choice of what capital city to visit the time taken to resolve the question might be days, as at this particular moment I cannot decide. Indeed, I am not certain I would even choose a city, though that would then void the question.
Perhaps London to see the Queen? Ah, I have seen the Queen twice, and both times in New Zealand. You see the Queen travels a lot, and no doubt has visited most capital cities in the world.
Vienna holds a certain charm. Memories of the Vienna Boys' Choir singing or perhaps a freshly baked Vienna load of my childhood can evoke positive vibes.
Washington? Not particularly interested ... but if I could visit a place that was not a city, then Martha's Vineyard would figure highly. Why? I have read several books set on that island and each time have found it extremely easy to transport myself into the story. Perhaps I lived there in another life? Certainly tales of the eastern seaboard of the USA have that same evocative hold.
Paris? Mmmm, doesn't hold that much appeal. Rome? I think I would prefer Venice.
So you see that after careful consideration I cannot make up my mind. Now perhaps that is because I am a woman, or perhaps it is because the choice is just too difficult.
Where would you choose? And why?
P.S. I actually prefer a deserted beach with the wind whistling across the sand and the waves crashing against the rocks!