Much of my life I lived in complete ignorance of Garage Sales; that changed when I moved into my present home. Significant Other is an avid Garage Sale viewer and slowly this harmless addiction has crept into my psyche. One need not always purchase! One should always look ... and common sense should always prevail.
Saturday mornings see us driving into town armed with The Rag, our local once-a-week newspaper, advertising when and where that day's garage sale can be found.
Many of the folk who regularly seek out garage sales are the same week to week; a kind of camaraderie exists, though there are a few who have their eye only on bargains.
Yesterday was a diamond day; well an Iris day. The goods were spaciously laid out and there in the middle of a table sat a gorgeous Iris article. From the distance I assumed [wrongly! one should never assume as a tutor once told me, to assume makes an ass out of u and me] this delectable looking article was pottery. The price would probably be more than what I had in my purse. But ... luck was on my side! This tin, with a lid, was in perfect condition and became mine for the princely sum of 50c. Now that is a great bargain. You may wonder how I will use it ... I am not sure, but never worry; I will find a use, and a space for it.