Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Sign of Spring?

Today is sunny with cloudy periods, warmer outside than indoors, but still a day when a few layers of clothing are essential.

When walking on the grass a tiny movement caught my eye.  Quietly I moved closer, and there amongst the long grass crept a tiny blue-tongue lizard; quite the tiniest blue-tongue I have seen!  [some folk call these lizards 'bob-tail lizards'.  These lizards hibernate during winter, and in all honesty I was surprised to see one out and about today ... I didn't consider it warm enough.  This baby looking as though it is a new arrival this spring had parents that frequented our place in the summer, often coming inside for an exploratory daily excursion.  Now we have an offspring! 
Of course this was a momentous camera opportunity; in fact I took two photos.  One just after I had carefully and as quietly as possible spooned some fruit nearby [blue-tongue lizards love strawberries, but sadly I have none on hand; fruit salad was the next best!] 

Within ten minutes two pieces had disappeared. 
You can tell just how tiny this lizard is against the pieces of peach and pear.  It will grow quickly!

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