Saturday, January 14, 2012


A few days ago Cyclone Heidi hit the Pilbara, which is north from here.  India v Australia 3rd test in cricket is being played in Perth and yesterday I heard one of the commentators commenting that the high cloud would have emanated from this tropical cyclone.  Wrong!  The weather from that system is still to the north east of us and will not make its presence felt in Perth at all.

If one was of a fanciful nature the fluffy clouds on the horizon at sunset might be construed as part of the now tropical depression.  We watched as clouds drift inland building up with a promise of rain ... to no avail.  The go inland leaving us with hot temperatures in the high 30's without the respite of a shower of rain.

This evening, when the air was slightly cooler and when it is rather pleasant to be outdoors [apart from mosquitoes!] my attention was drawn to those fluffy clouds; at times a delicate shade of pink reflected from the setting sun.  It was easy to imagine them as balls of fluffy cottonwool resting in the sky to provide a delightful photo opportunity for a few moments.

1 comment:

  1. Love the contrast between the white and dark grey clouds in the photo.


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