Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Wipes brow!

Whew!!  Today was, still is, hot; very hot, too hot!
Thankfully after doing the ironing early in the morning household chores were minimal.  Beginning a 'secret challenge' meant that I could sit and stitch without feeling guilty.  Easier said than done in the sweltering heat, but I have managed to put into stitches the idea floating around in my mind. 
As the temperature rose the perspiration dripped from my brow; plenty of water was essential ... too often I have felt the effects of not drinking fluids ... lesson learned!
Two photos, taken indoors, show just how hot it was.
Woops, the clock is a little lopsided ... I must have held the camera sideways!  But the two dials tell the tale.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, that is appallingly hot, Shirley! How on earth do you live with it? Living as I do in a temperate climate, I find it hard to get my mind around heat like that. Stay as cool as you can.


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